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Why kindness? wants to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference, and that collective action can greatly impact the world.
Kindness is a choice, a mindset. You wake up every day with choices. You can choose to have an impact on someone or be kind each and every day.
Wouldn’t it be great to highlight all this kindness? In this world where a lot of negative news and happenings are shared daily, we want to highlight the kindness people do each and every day.

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A Bit of Background

Well, it all began with a meaningful interaction with a lady named Pat. The founder of, Su Bodner, was a regular commuter traveler to San Antonio from Canada. One day, making the token trip to the ladies room before boarding a flight, Su meets Pat. Pat is a cleaning person at the San Antonio airport and just happens to be in the ladies washroom when she meets Su. Pat greets every single lady walking into the washroom and helps them find a free stall. While in the washroom, Su overhears her wishing everyone a great day as well.

So let’s just recap this:

1. Pat works as a cleaning person.

2. She is cleaning a washroom at the airport, probably the least glamourous job on the planet.

3. She chooses to be impactful, kind and positive.

When Su went to wash her hands, she asked Pat her name and if she could take her picture.

Su proceeded to post about her experience with Pat on a couple social media sites; LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.

Well, 34,000 views later, something special was needed for Pat. Fast-forward and based on some folks Su knew, Pat ended up with $1000 from Fox News San Antonio, recognition from her employer, DFS, and also some special treatment from the San Antonio airport staff.

It just goes to show that by making an impact on someone, or being kind that you can never really know the impact it might have on a complete stranger.

What are you doing to be kind today?


Are you a Rock Star?

Congratulations! You received a Rock Star Card because of your kindness. You are probably asking, "Why do I have this Rock Star Card and what does it mean? And why did they tell me to check out this website? And what do I do with this second Rock Star Card?"

It means YOU stand out in what you do, how you are, how you treat people and you just got recognized for it! Yay, Congrats! 

It's not the typical definition of a rock star but here’s how we define it….it's a way of saying,

"You rock! Thank you for doing what you do. Keep it up!"

The second card is for your to pass it along. A pay it forward kind of thing. When you see someone being awesome or they did something special for you, reward them in the same way...with a Rock Star Card.
We would love you to share your story here. Please send your story to and we will publish it on our blog and social media pages. Once a month we will reward a winner for the story of the month.



“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”

Mark Twain


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