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Updated: Apr 15, 2020

As we wrap week 3 of our new world of isolated living, I think everyone has a deep appreciation for personal and social connections.

As we reflect on things, technology was born in various forms over the past few decades that now allows us to be connected 24/7 to all our contacts; whether family or friends, personal contacts, or work colleagues and customers. Yet here we are in forced isolation and our basic human need, according to Maslow, of love and belonging, is being challenged. We are all craving face-to-face connecting. FaceTime, Skype, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom, Marco Polo are all experiencing huge surges in use as people connect ‘in person’ virtually. This is 100% the right thing to be doing. Please take advantage of these platforms to check in with family, friends, colleagues alike.

We CANNOT be CONNECTING in person in order to #flattenthecurve. Think of your elderly parents or friends that might be immunocompromised, it’s not worth it folks.

We will get through this together.

While you’re enjoying some time at home with your family or significant others, embrace the opportunity to really connect. Take up some old favourites like puzzle making or cooking together. Reminisce through old photos and photo albums (yes, those were a thing), connect virtually with friends from near and far. Have a virtual game night or jam session, or watch a movie virtually together, there are a lot of things that can be done together, virtually. Try something new!

Until next time, support your locals, donate to a food bank, take care of one another.

Most importantly, what are you doing to be kind today?


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